مجلة القانون، المجتمع والسلطة
A looks at social law review is an approved scientific international is a refereed periodical concerned with research in the field of social law. It is published by the laboratory of social law, once a year. The Journal provides opportunities for researchers all over the world to publish their research and studies in the field of educational sciences; that is characterized by originality, novelty and committed to scientific ethics. The Journal publishes manuscripts, in both Arabic and English languages that have not been previously published. Those include empirical researches, theoretical studies.
The Journal of "Transport and Port Activities Law" is a double-blind peer-reviewed, published annually and free of charge, open-access journal published by the Laboratory of Transport and Port Activities Law (LADMAR), under the direction of Professor Fatima BOUKHATMI, Mohamed Ben Ahmed University, Oran 2. The Journal focuses on : * Feeding the doctrine on transport law and port activities, such as those relating to transport auxiliaries, customs law, banking law, commercial law, land and air transport, international maritime law, law of the sea, fishing and aquaculture, Incoterms, Maritime pollution, Coastal law, Port law, Consumer law, Marine space planning, Containerization, Maritime insurance, Dry ports and Port authorities. * Establish a legislative watch to know how to identify new texts, both national and international in this area. * List the Algerian and international case law in this area and comment on it. * Encourage the publication of young doctoral students as part of their training. * Publish feature articles from high grade teachers. * Publish the proceedings of the study days and conferences held in Algeria or abroad and whose theme is similar to that of the laboratory. * Summary of theses and dissertation defended in the theme of the laboratory.
مجلة الاستثمار والتنمية المستدامة مجلة علمية متخصصة تصدر سنويا في مجلد يحتوي عدة أعداد. تعنى بالدراسات والبحوث العلمية القانونية والاقتصادية والمالية وغيرها من الدراسات المتعلقة بالاستثمار والتنمية المستدامة، وتتطلع إلى التحقق المعرفي من خلال مجموع الفرق العلمية لمخبر الاستثمار والتنمية المستدامة التابع لكلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية بجامعة محمد بن أحمد وهران2.
تسعى المجلة إلى نشر البحوث الأكاديمية والعلمية الأصيلة و الجادة المتصلة بمجالات اهتمام المخبر، لذلك تنشد باسم القائمين عليها كافة الأكاديميين والباحثين وطلبة الدراسات العليا والتقنيين والخبراء في المجال القانوني للإسهام والشراكة بمشاريعهم وانجازاتهم العلمية من بحوث تطبيقية ميدانية أو دراسات نظرية متخصصة في القضايا الخاصة بالعقود العمومية والشراكة - البيئة و التنمية المستدامة - الأسواق المالية والاستثمار - المؤسسة والمقاولاتية علاوة على كل الميادين المرتبطة بها سعيا لفتح مجال واسع لتخصصات مختلفة في أنحاء العالم العربي، بل وحتى الغربي.
إن فكرة إنشاء المجلة تبررها حتميات النهوض بالبحث العلمي من جهة وتشجيع حركته وتحسين وتيرته وتطويره ولا يتسنى ذلك إلا بالاعتماد على ضوابط جادة ومعايير نشر دقيقة تضمن وتسهل عملية النشر. و تقبل المجلة البحوث باللغة العربية والانجليزية و الفرنسية، حيث تتضمن المقالات العلمية، وقائمة المذكرات و الأطروحات التي تم مناقشتها ضمن المخبر، وركن خاص بالقرارات القضائية والتحكيمية، وركن نشاطات المخبر من تظاهرات علمية ومحاضرات وندوات وغيرها.
Investment and sustainable development Review is a specialized scientific review issues annually in folder contains several numbers. It takes care on studies and researches in different scientific disciplines: legal, economic, financial fields and other studies related to investment and sustainable development. This review aims to achieve scientific authentication, through the scientific groups of Investment and sustainable development Laboratory dependant to Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Mohamed Ben Ahmed University- Oran 2.
The Review tends to publish original and serious academic and scientific studies related to Laboratory interest’s fields. Therefore, it calls in the name of its supervisors all researchers; post graduate students; technicians and experts in legal field to contribute and participate by their scientific projects and achievements, whether empirical studies or theoretical researches focused on issues related to: Public contracts and partnership- Environment and sustainable development- Financial markets and investment- Corporation and entrepreneurship, besides to all domains in connection with it tending to open a wide field to different specialties all over the Arabic world and even the Occidental.
The idea of creating this Review is justified by the necessity of rising up scientific research on the one hand. On the other hand, encouraging its mobility and ameliorate its rhythm and developing it. All this, comes through supporting serious methods and accurate publishing criteria witch permit and facilitate publish process. The Review accepts researches in Arabic; English and French languages. It contains scientific articles; a listing of graduation thesis; post graduation thesis defended within the Laboratory, a section relating to judicial and arbitral decisions and a section dedicated to scientific events and lectures and scientific symposiums…etc.
(غير مصنفة / غير مفهرسة)